LUNGOMARE della Libertà e LUNGOMARE della Repubblica
The new pedestrianized promenade that goes from the Port Canale to P.le San Martino for a total of 1560 meters totally dedicated to walking and bicycles. The stretch between the square of the port and the p.le Roma, for a length of 450 meters. it is characterized by the presence of several fountains with high architectural design, in the shape of a ship, a bluebottle and palm island, a gazebo with checkers-chess tables and backgammon, while the stretch between the p.le Roma and p.le San Martino , for a length of 950 meters. Although it has kept the same furnishing materials as the previous section, it has many lawn areas crossed by wooden walkways. The Piazzale San Martino, which is spread over approx. 4,700, serves as a terminal to the promenade, in the center there is a globe made of marble pebbles of different colors where the 44th parallel that crosses the waterfront is shown. The whole Lungomare is characterized by numerous flower beds, green areas, plants, wooden benches for resting, all flanked by a large cycle path, which separates the beachfront hotels, all 4-star, from the bathing establishments by a few meters. No more road then between the hotels and the beach; the parking lots, underground under the promenade, for a total of 975, are open 24 hours a day and are under video surveillance.